Archivo de la etiqueta: Grúa pórtico

Bank station capacity upgrade (BSCU) Project.London

London, is one of the most cosmopolitan European countries that besides being a city with more than 2000 years, is one of the most modern and contemporary city combining the old city and the city of the future.

Is one of the most populated cities worldwide with more than 15 million people living in the great London and distributed in 32 districts where the underground communication is essential for thousands of citizens to travel to work, shopping social live, etc.

London is the first city that projected such transportation mode (underground) in 19th century (1863).

Bank station capacity upgrade (BSCU) Project. London

Nowadays London city has about 275 open metro stations and more than 400 Km active metro lines. This makes possible transport more than 3 million passengers day by day, being the second biggest metro system worldwide by kilometers (after Shanghai) and of course the biggest in Europe.

With the growth of the city, the number of stations has been also growing and in some cases as the one in Bank Station, which is one of the main metro station in the old financial district, have to be upgraded in terms of capacity.

Bank station capacity upgrade (BSCU) Project. LondonBank station capacity upgrade (BSCU) Project. London

For BSCU Project, Dragados UK Branch ordered GH Cranes a very special 35 ton capacity goliath crane with 5,45 m span and 2,75 m useful cantilever with 10 m high legs and hook path of 44 m. The capacity of the cantilever was limited into 6 tons and due to the works site and situation and in order to avoid annoying works noises to the neighbors, Dragados tried to lower this noise level making a total special cover to the trolley.

Bank station capacity upgrade (BSCU) Project. LondonBank station capacity upgrade (BSCU) Project. London

Professional Lifting Services (PLS) from Sheffield, was responsible for erecting and installing the goliath crane with GH staff support. This was a challenging work due to the narrow situation of the works but once again, PLS with GH staff made a great job erecting and installing the crane in five days.

Bank station capacity upgrade (BSCU) Project. London Bank station capacity upgrade (BSCU) Project. LondonBank station capacity upgrade (BSCU) Project. London

Fabricación para Perú de 2 grúas pórticos con 5 elevaciones en el mismo carro

Proceso de fabricación de dos pórticos que se instalarán en Perú para la empresa Consorcio Constructor M2 Lima.

Estas grúas pórtico cuentan con la particularidad de llevar montados 5 polipastos en el mismo carro. 4 de los polipastos que tienen una capacidad de 10t cada uno, van sin gancho y con bastidor intermedio, mientras que el quinto polipasto va con tiro directo y tiene una capacidad de elevación de 5t y un recorrido de gancho de 51,5m.

El carro contará con pinza mecánica y un autómata para el funcionamiento a la vez de los 4 polipastos principales. Los polipastos trabajarán a sobrevelocidad de 24/min cuando la carga sea igual o menor al 25% de la capacidad de carga.

Las grúas pórticos tendrán dos configuraciones, una de 3,9m + 15m + 3,9m y otra de 18,86m de luz sin voladizos.


Fabrication process of the goliath crane

The 60 ton capacity goliath crane shown in the pictures has 19.3 m span an 6 useful cantilever on one side of the crane. The hoisting equipment is made with an open winch system and the hook path is 35 m

The end customer is these two goliath cranes was a joint venture between two of the biggest well known Egyptian construction companies; Arab Contractos  and ORASCOM Construction Company.


Arab Contractors – ORASCOM JV has awarded SENER a contract within the roadway under the Suez Canal in Port Said (Egypt). This ambitious project of the Egyptian Government includes the design and construction of two tunnels under the Canal to connect the Sinai Peninsula with the rest of Egypt and thereby promote the future development of this peninsula.

In this project, SENER will carry out the conceptual, basic and detailed design of the tunnels, as well as civil works, associated electromechanical installations and intelligent transport communications (ITS). Specifically, the scope of work includes: two tunnels, excavated with TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) technique, of approximately 2.80 km each; A road 9 km long; The emergency steps between tunnels, as well as the facilities associated with all these components (tunnels, road and steps), such as power and substations, lighting, fire protection and ventilation), ITS facilities such as variable signaling, Gauge control, communications, fire detection, CCTV (English acronym), and connection links with existing roads on both sides, including upper pass structures.


Estas grúa pórtico que tienen una luz de 19,3m. más 6m. de voladizo, están equipadas con un carro abierto de 60t. de capacidad que permite una elevación a 35m. de altura, con cable Veropro8 de 2×82,5m. y enrollador.

ArabContractors – ORASCOM ha adjudicado a SENER un contrato dentro del paso de carretera bajo el Canal de Suez en Port Said (Egipto). Este ambicioso proyecto del Gobierno egipcio comprende el diseño y construcción de dos túneles bajo el Canal para conectar la Península del Sinaí con el resto de Egipto y, de este modo, promover el desarrollo futuro de esta península.

En este proyecto, SENER va a llevar a cabo el diseño conceptual, básico y detallado de los túneles, así como las obras civiles, instalaciones electromecánicas y de comunicaciones de transporte inteligente (ITS en su acrónimo inglés) asociadas. Concretamente, el alcance de los trabajos abarca: dos túneles, excavados con técnica TBM (TunnelBoring Machine), de 2,80 km aproximadamente cada uno; una carretera de 9 km de longitud; los pasos de emergencia entre túneles, así como las instalaciones asociadas a todos estos componentes (túneles, carretera y pasos), como son la alimentación eléctrica y subestaciones, iluminación, protección contra incendio y ventilación), las instalaciones ITS como son la señalización variable, el control de gálibo, las comunicaciones, la detección de incendio, el circuito cerrado de televisión (CCTV en su acrónimo inglés), y los enlaces de conexión con las carreteras existentes a ambos lados, incluidas las estructuras de pasos superiores.