Archivo por meses: noviembre 2018

GH joins the Crane Manufacturers Association of America (CMAA) as a full member


In october, we received the official news that gh has been accepted as full member of the Crane Manufacturers Association of America (CMAA).

This news is a significant boost for our brand, because it means being recognised by this Association as a manufacturer with full membership; that is, with the right to receive information about the sector, the ability to influence its regulation and, of course, contribute our experience towards shaping the safety, control and preparation of the regulations that apply to the world of lifting equipment.

Belonging to the CMAA is not only positive for our Brand in the American market, but also a recognition that will give our international expansion a strong stimulus.


Now, apart from taking part in the “Lifting Club”, we must have a proactive attitude so that our ideas can be incorporated in this Association, and that will require significant work by people within GH that cover fields of work of the CMAA such as:

  • Mechanical Engineering (components)
  • Structural Engineering (beams, columns and runways)
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Services
  • Marketing / Administration

If we had to make a comparison to illustrate this huge step in our presence in the American market, we could say that now we have risen to First Division; we have to fight to be at the top positions.

GH joins the Crane Manufacturers Association of America (CMAA) as a full member.


Hemos hecho de la flexibilidad una de nuestras principales señas de identidad y de la innovación, una inquietud constante.

El mes de septiembre de 1958 se produce el inicio oficial de las actividades de GH como proyecto empresarial impulsado por cuatro hermanos emprendedores, audaces y conscientes de que solo con su iniciativa podrían construir su propio futuro.

60 años y 112.000 grúas después, el espíritu de aquellos pioneros sigue plenamente vigente, aunque el perfil del proyecto ha cambiado sustancialmente exigido por los tiempos y por las nuevas necesidades de los clientes y mercados.

GH es hoy una referencia en el mundo de la elevación con una amplia gama de soluciones para muchos sectores de la economía global que demandan nuestras grúas para ser más competitivos y eficaces.

Enfrentando cada proyecto como un nuevo reto, reconociendo con humildad nuestras capacidades y limitaciones, hoy GH es una empresa con presencia multinacional en los principales mercados del mundo para dar respuestas a todos nuestros clientes. Hemos hecho de la flexibilidad una de nuestras principales señas de identidad y de la innovación una inquietud constante para ir por delante de las elementales demandas de quienes deciden otorgarnos su confianza.

GH es un proyecto en crecimiento, con un perfil independiente y con un grupo de personas que comparten el ideario con el que nacimos hace 60 años: honestidad, fidelidad con los compromisos asumidos y una profunda vocación de servicio.

Hemos demostrado a lo largo de estos años que tenemos un hueco importante que ocupamos en un sector altamente competitivo, dominado por grandes empresas con acceso a ingentes recursos y a los que enfrentamos con profesionalidad con nuestros productos y servicios.

Hemos cumplido sesenta años, pensando en cumplir sesenta más permaneciendo fieles a nuestro ideario y a las señas de identidad que nos hacen diferentes a todos los demás.

Miramos al pasado para ser conscientes del camino realizado y de los retos superados. Estamos orgullosos. Pero nuestra mirada nos sirve además para tomar el impulso necesario para proyectarnos al futuro.

GHNews 19_Nov_2018_eng GH CRANES


We have made flexibility one of our main hallmarks and innovation, a constant concern.

September 1958 saw the oficial beginning of the GH’s business activities as a project promoted by four enterprising brothers who were both audacious and confident that, with their initiative alone, they would be capable of constructing their future.

Sixty years and 112,000 cranes later, the spirit of those pioneers is as strong as ever in the company, although the profile of the project has changed substantially, as demanded by the times and new customer and market needs.

Today, GH is a leader in the world of lifting, with a wide range of solutions for many sectors of the global economy that demand our cranes in order to be more competitive and efficient.

Treating each project as a new challenge while recognising our capacities and limitations with humility, today GH is a company with a multinational presence in the main markets of the world – something which allows us to adequately respond to the needs of all of our customers. We have made flexibility one of our main hallmarks and, for us, innovation is a constant concern so as to stay ahead of the basic requirements of the customers who decide to put their trust in us.

GH is a growing project, with an independent profile and with a group of people who share in the ideology with which we started out 60 years ago: honesty, reliability in fulfilling the commitments we take on and unwavering dedication to service.

Throughout these years, we have shown that we occupy an important position in a highly competitive sector dominated by large companies with access to vast resources and with which we compete in a professional way with our products and services.

We are celebrating sixty years as a company and planning to go on for at least another sixty, remaining faithful to an ideology and identity that make us different from the rest.

We look back over the past to remember the path we have taken and the challenges we have overcome. We are proud. And we draw on the past to learn and to gain the necessary strength with which to project ourselves into the future.