Archivo por meses: abril 2021

Prince Banthiya: «From the very beginning I received a lot of support from the leadership team in the company’s head office in Beasain (Spain)».

Prince Banthiya is an estimator in GH Cranes India, specialized in support to non-standard products within the Standard Market Unit. We had a very nice chat with him to get to know him a little better and find out more about his career within the company.

 When and why did you start working at GH? What attracted you the most about the company?
I joined GH Cranes India 4 years ago, on the 26th of June 2017. I had 2 years’ experience in Kone Cranes, and, prior to that, I was a university graduate; I am a mechanical engineer.

I have to say that I am fascinated by multinational companies, in general, but to start my career I wanted a company that was in its stablishing phase, so that there was more do and to learn compared to an already established organization. The fact that the Headquarters are in Spain was also a very attractive feature for me.

Once you started working, what general impression did you get from GH and the people who work there?
 I am an estimator and am specialized in support to non-standard products within the Standard Market Unit, and my job is to provide offers of all products in the company portfolio

From the very beginning I received a lot of support from the leadership team in the company’s head office in Beasain (Spain) and this is something I will always be grateful for and cannot forget. For example, Alexander Guerra (Sales Director Standard Solutions Business Unit) is regularly checking in with me to know how things are going. He has always put his trust in me and believed in me.

«GH Spain trained me technically y and GH India has done it on the commercial side»

We always say, because it’s true, that there is a people centric focus in the company, how do you feel about this?
It is totally true and have even experienced it myself from day 1. I have to say that I am also very grateful to Aloña Barrutia (Unit Director and responsible for Analysis and Commercial Promotion), who trained me on products and systems within GH, and want to thank her for what she taught me and the trust she put in me. I feel very confident when it comes to the technical part of things and this has allowed me to work across different markets since I joined the company.

Also, Carlos Aguirre (Standard Solutions Business Unit Director) is someone I will always remember when looking back to the beginning. He trained me and shined light on me, giving me his knowledge on GH and all the products we can offer to our clients, so I am really thankful to him as well.

Today I can say that GH Spain trained me technically y and GH India has done it on the commercial side.

You started working in 2017, how has the presence of GH evolved in India over the years?
The work protocols and ways-of-working were not 100% set then as opposed to what I could have seen in my previous company, so there was room to add value and work together to create them as a team. I got to learn better and am able, thanks to all the training I received from the leadership in Spain, we are now more established internally and, therefore, in the market.

Our product is very good, it is a very high-quality product. From the technical side, our products are very light in weight and the size of the trolley is very compact so the client can make the most out of the building.

There are many differences between north, central and southern regions. We are very known in the south and we have sold many cranes there but there is still work to be done to reach the other two regions.

«India is a very price-sensitive market and we have a very high-quality product, so we need to adapt our offer to the way the market behaves»

What characteristics does the Indian market have and how could GH take advantage of it?
We are a very hard-working team, but this is a very busy and fast market, in which everyone is in a hurry, so we really need speedy responses. In many cases we need support from the central office, and I am very happy towards how they manage these situations as thanks to them we really are able to deliver to our clients, as expected.

What are the biggest challenges GH faces in increasing its presence in India?
India is a very price-sensitive market and we have a very high-quality product, so we need to adapt our offer to the way the market behaves. This is why, to be able to compete here, we have agreements with local suppliers.

When our clients choose GH, although they know it is not the cheapest option due to its high quality, they trust us because we offer maximum utilization of space and lighter cranes that competitors, so this is a big advantage for our customers when they handle the cranes.

We have worked a lot and sold many cranes for multinationals with subsidiaries here in India.

Tell us about the delegation in India, what would you highlight about it? How is the human team that forms it?
We are currently a very good and professional team; the same since I joined the company, so this makes me confident when working together. After everything that has happened in the last year, it is important that we managed to keep the team as it was.

How is your relationship with the Central Offices? What is your opinion of the Basque Country and of the people who run the company from here?
I got to spend some time in the Basque Country when I joined the company because I was trained there. Also, Alexander Guerra is in touch with me every week for regular check-ins and updates, so I feel we are very connected and work as one same company even if in different locations.

«I would love to spend time in another market unit, especially in Spain, since GH Cranes is a very well-known and established company there»

What goals have you set for yourself in the medium-long term for the Delegation in India? How do you plan to achieve this?
I want to be a specialized person and become a technical expert. Maybe, in the future, work on a more international platform, that will allow me to continue growing technically and commercially.

I would love to spend time in another market unit, especially in Spain, since GH Cranes is a very well-known and established company there, so I would also like to have the experience of being in the Headquarters and see the whole process with the main team.

We are in a transition from product-focus to a service approach and this requires a wider knowledge from the technical side, and constant training across different disciplines and departments, which is something we are receiving from the company. I am confident that will continue in this direction in order to become an even bigger and stronger company to always offer our best solutions to our clients.



“Se percebe que a GH é uma empresa familiar pelo respeito que ela tem pelo produto que fabrica”

Andre Pupin é o novo Gerente de Vendas da GH Cranes Brasil. Aproveitando o aniversário de 20 anos da filial brasileira, conversamos com ele para conhece-lo melhor e saber mais acerca dos objetivos de seu departamento.

Você começou a trabalhar na GH há um pouco mais de dois meses. O que pensa para você nessa nova etapa profissional?
Há 28 anos trabalho na área comercial, sou apaixonado pelo meu trabalho e vender equipamentos para GH é um grande desafio para minha vida profissional. Estou muito contente com a oportunidade que me foi dada porque, o que sempre me moveu, foram os desafios.

Já conhecia a GH antes de começar a trabalhar conosco?
Sim, porque graças ao meu emprego anterior tinha um relacionamento com todos os grandes fabricantes de pontes rolantes, entre eles a GH, para quem vendia peças. Como fruto dessa relação comecei a conhecer mais a empresa, a qualidade de seus produtos,  e o potencial que tinha no mercado brasileiro.

Qual a sua opinião sobre a GH agora que nos conhece por dentro?
Se nota que a GH é uma empresa familiar, pelo respeito com que tratam as pessoas e pelo respeito com que tem pelo produto que fabricam. Como um filho de pai italiano sei como é importante que falem bem de você. As vezes, isso é mais importante que dinheiro. A GH tem essa mesma mentalidade e por isso cuida tanto dos detalhes, primando pela qualidade do produto acima de tudo.

O que mais te surpreendeu nesses primeiros meses de trabalho?
Sobre tudo, o quão agitado é o mercado de pontes rolantes. Todos os dias são muito movimentados e a verdade é que eu gostos disso. Sou uma pessoa muito inquieta que precisa movimento para me sentir bem comigo mesmo.  Por isso, meu trabalho aqui, está sendo muito gratificante e satisfatório.

Quais são os objetivos do seu departamento a curto prazo?
Nosso principal objetivo é que a GH seja cada vez mais conhecia, pois durante muitos anos não se foi uma empresa muito acessível. A mim mesmo, quando era fornecedor me custava contatar a GH. Entretanto, com a incorporação do Pablo García como Diretor houveram grandes mudanças, e acima de tudo em mentalidade, e a ideia é seguir nessa linha. Temos cliente muito importantes no Brasil como a General Electric, Hyundai ou Gamesa e isso tem que ser sabido. Somente dessa forma poderemos aproveitar todo nosso potencial.

Em quanto tempo você acredita que se vão notar essas mudanças?
Está sendo um ano complicado por conta da pandemia, mas estou bastante seguro de alcançaremos um aumento de vendas em 30%. E para 2022, nosso objetivo é dobrar as vendas de pontes rolantes e talhas elétricas.

Em 16 de abril a GH completa 20 anos no Brasil. O que significa este aniversario para a filia brasileira?
O fato da GH estar no Brasil há 20 anos, é um símbolo de profissionalismo que aporta confiança a todos nosso clientes e futuros clientes. Aqui, a idade de um empresa, é muito valorizada, já que existem muitas empresas com pouca idade com problemas de caixa que não são capazes de prover em tempo as entregas a seus clientes. Estes 20 anos demonstram, por outro lado, que somos uma empresa confiável que já caminhou passo a passo fixando muito seus alicerces. Graças a eles garantimos com precisão a entrega e um serviço completo.