Archivo de la etiqueta: polipastos

DANIELI deal pays off

Recently, some months ago we reached an agreement with Danieli to provide them with 80 hoists for their light cranes, which are used in the great projects taken up by the world’s most important steel companies.

Danieli is one of the best-known companies in the world suppying rolling mills and big technological cranes for the demanding manufacturing processes in the world’s steel mills.

These hoists that GH will provide have been specially and exclusively designed for them, but they have all our technology and components, which are exclusively GH.

Danieli has decided on GH because of the high performance of our hoists and because of the high competitiveness of our equiment.

DANIELI a company so committed to excellence and technological thoroughness and a worldwide reference, continues to trust us.

In this case, the deal with DANIELI reinforces the old saying that says “only the best will make us the best”.


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GH, referencia mundial en el sector de la elevación


GH es uno de los pocos fabricantes integrales (fabrica todas sus piezas y componentes) que cuenta con una amplia gama de polipastos y carros abiertos para poder atender los requerimientos de sectores tan exigentes como el siderúrgico.

Referencia mundial elevación 2 Referencia mundial elevación 3Referencia mundial elevación 1

Como fabricantes comprometidos con la evolución de nuestros productos, GH está tratando de aplicar a las grúas de siderurgia las aplicaciones y tecnologías que definen lo que sería una grúa inteligente. En realidad, lo que pretendemos es poner la innovación al servicio de nuestros clientes.

Ver artículo completo en el boletín de Siderex (pag 17).

Astebatean GH1WEEK Service

Manufacturing in seven days and delivery anywhere in the world… Can anyone make a better offer?

Since we started the GH1WEEK service, which guarantees to the customer that his order will be manufactured within a week, more than one thousand pieces of equipment have been delivered, and the projections point at a remarkable increase in the following year. Sigue leyendo